

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority


RTM provided all MEP engineering services for the replacement of four chillers and the outside air handler of the parking garage A and B roofs at the Orlando International Airport. The HVAC systems served the existing elevator core lobbies and the main tunnel system between the parking garages and the terminal. RTM was in charge of all aspects of the project as a prime consultant coordinating architectural and structural engineering design, which were subcontracted out to other firms.

The existing parking garages at OIA included a roof-mounted chilled water system and 100% outside air unit. The older chillers were failing due to life expectancy and corrosion. RTM selected new chillers based on an increased load requirement. The air-cooled chillers were designed with integral pumping equipment and air separators. Due to the short runs of chilled water piping, the system was designed with new volume tanks to increase the run length on the system. The new tanks were designed to be installed in first-floor mechanical rooms to avoid major changes required to roof structure. The entire roof of the chiller areas was designed to be removed and replaced as part of the project. RTM engineers carefully designed the system replacements to include temporary equipment that will allow the construction to be phased and provide cooling at all times during passenger hours.