RTM is an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education System (CES) Approved Provider. With this opportunity, we are able to provide our expertise and industry knowledge to help educate the architecture community. Below you can learn more about the courses offered.

Acoustics 101

1 HSW Credit

The acoustical environment of a space has a direct impact on the efficiency, health, and well-being of occupants. This course will explore several design factors and solutions which play a key role in providing an optimized aural experience. Through proper design of room finishes, partition types, and reduced noise in HVAC systems, distractions will be reduced, and occupants can successfully achieve their goals. In this course you will:

  • Review the acoustical properties of several types of architectural materials including absorptive, reflective, and diffusive materials
  • Explore ways to optimize space plans and room layouts to improve signal to noise ratio, provide a better acoustical environment, and save on material costs
  • Evaluate and compare the acoustical attributes of several sound isolation partition types
  • Study several HVAC noise and vibration control measures including adjacencies, pathways, and solutions for sound and vibration attenuation

Obtaining LEED Points in Plumbing

1 HSW Credit

This course covers the plumbing engineer’s perspective in obtaining LEED points while being mindful of the cost associated with each sustainable feature. From the course you will:

  • Understand the basics of water and energy efficiency in LEED projects
  • Learn about smart fixture placement to conserve water and energy
  • Learn about the technology and design of solar water heating, rainwater harvesting, and water-reuse
  • Learn about the cost to employ each LEED point for water and energy, related to plumbing

Emergency Lighting

1 HSW Credit

This course aims to educate attendees on code requirements and best practices for keeping building occupants safe during an emergency situation, which involves putting the health, safety, and wellness of occupants as a top priority. Course objectives include:

  • Code requirements for emergency illumination
  • Different sources of power for emergency illumination
  • Applications for emergency illumination and best practices
  • Learn about a case study involving emergency illumination

Building Envelope Design and Insulation

1 HSW Credit

This course aims to describe the different components of the building envelope and techniques that can be used to insulate in order to improve energy efficiency and understand current energy code requirements. From this course you will:

  • Learn different components of the building envelope and techniques used to insulate
  • Learn how much you should insulate the building and be able to review energy code requirements
  • Understand how building’s density helps the HVAC system performance and improve energy efficiency
  • Be able to review life cycle calculations of insulation vs. HVAC systems tonnage vs. energy cost

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

1 HSW Credit

This course goes into greater detail the use and application of this technology and why it has become an industry leader around the world for use in AC systems. From this course you will:

  • Understand different types of AC systems available in today’s market
  • Learn what a VRF system is and the different VRF system manufacturers
  • Understand how to design a basic VRF system for a building
  • Look at physical sizes and noise levels of VRF system components

Lighting Controls and LED Technology

1 LU Credit

Lighting control in buildings is critical to maintaining proper lighting levels during normal, emergency and egress situations. From this course you will:

  • Understand the history of lighting controls and the different needs for them, both interior and exterior
  • Understand current code requirements for lighting controls in relation to energy efficiency, life safety, egress and exit
  • Understand emerging technology for lighting controls for interior and exterior uses
  • Review different methods of lighting controls available today and a cost comparison for newer technology vs. older technology

Accomplishing Your Sustainability Goals

1 HSW Credit

This course examines various sustainable programs that achieve energy efficiency in new construction and existing buildings while keeping occupant satisfaction nat the forefront. From this course you will:

  • Understand how energy modeling can greatly simplify the design process and achieve building optimization
  • Gain insight into how benchmarking strategies can improve a building’s operational and financial performance
  • Learn how commissioning can avoid costly maintenance or safety issues from surfacing in construction or occupancy
  • Learn about various ideas for incorporating sustainable systems into buildings

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