Arc Flash
130,000 KVA
16,568 Generator Power
1.1 MW Solar Power
Orange County Convention Center
RTM was awarded a five-year contract for work within the Orange County Convention Center for the Arc Flash Analysis & Development of an Electrical Safety Program.
RTM is providing a comprehensive electrical safety program in accordance with the most current NFPA 70, 70E, IEEE, NEC, NSC, and OSHA standards. RTM is responsible for outlining electrical hazards and risks for the OCCC campus. Electrical safety and risk mitigation must be implemented in conjunction with custom Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for routine electrical operations where applicable hazards and risks exist. A comprehensive, stand-alone training manual and training program will also be provided.
The OCCC campus electrical infrastructure includes over 130,000 kVA of installed utility power capacity, 16,568 of on-site generator power and at least 1.1 MW of solar power generated from five (5) solar programs. This electric capacity is distributed across 400 acres of campus with multiple buildings.