A high-level view into industry trends, innovative ideas, and other forward-thinking perspectives from the experts at RTM

How Do RTM & Legat Design A+ Learning Environments

How Do RTM Engineers and Legat Architects Design A+ Learning Environments?

How Do RTM Engineers and Legat Architects Design A+ Learning Environments? Studies show that education improves the likelihood of success in careers and in personal life for individuals from childhood into adulthood. That’s why RTM is proud of our longtime partnership with Legat Architects. For over a decade, RTM and Legat have collaborated on designs…

Preparing for COVID – 19: Strategies for Creating Isolation Areas With Your Existing Hospital Infrastructure

As the Coronavirus COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, hospitals and clinics will need to find ways to support an increase in patients who test positive for the virus. The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) and the CDC both recommend that if possible all coronavirus patients be isolated in rooms at negative…

Refrigeration design and trends

Trends in Refrigeration Design

Doug Sandridge, PE, Principal at RTM Engineering Consultants, answers the question: What trends do you see in the future for refrigeration design? RTM Engineering Consultants has experience working on a wide range of commercial and industrial refrigeration projects, including grocery stores, food and beverage manufacturing facilities, distribution warehouses, laboratories, and craft breweries and distilleries. Since…

marijuana industry featured image

Engineering for the Emerging Marijuana Industry

Brian Clark, Senior Project Manager at RTM Engineering Consultants, answers the questions: What do you predict for the future of the marijuana industry? How does RTM’s expertise set it apart from competitors? The marijuana market is growing within the United States. Recreational marijuana is now legal in eleven states and Washington, D.C., and medical marijuana…

3 Engineering Trends Shaping the Hospitality Market

When approaching projects within the hospitality industry, engineering consultants must weigh the wants and needs of many different stakeholders – from corporate decision makers and hotel management personnel, to local authorities and the guests themselves. It’s a fine balance for engineering designers to maintain a hotel’s brand standards, meet code requirements, and keep guests happy…