With each day brings new information and new challenges that we are all faced with tackling. One of which concerns what is becoming one of the top essential activities of every day consumers, grocery shopping. With the current unpredicted disruption, the challenges of this essential need trickle through the entire food supply chain from the grocery store to the distribution center, to the supplier.
Timely solutions for our entire food supply chain are being evaluated and contemplated by our clients in the grocery, food processing, cold storage, and last mile sectors. A heightened emphasis is being placed on both efficiency and safety. In addition to protecting the product, we are now seeing an increase in worker safety throughout the food chain. Also, maintaining fresh produce from origin to consumer is at the forefront of strategies for efficiency in process, minimizing storage time, reducing transportation costs, and shortening the last mile. This leads directly to how products are being refrigerated during storage and distribution.
Industrial properties are being sought out for building potential cold storage and distribution centers. Whether a dark industrial building, flex space, or a built-out storage facility, there are a few primary challenges to consider in this model of development. What portions of the building should be refrigerated? To what temperature (cooler vs. freezer)? What type of refrigeration system is needed? How much refrigeration should be installed prior to lease agreements? Currently RTM Engineering Consultants is providing upfront evaluations for refrigeration options and planning recommendations which will enable developers and architects to continue their design development, permitting, and even start construction, prior to lease signings. During the food processing stage and at the grocery store level, RTM is evaluating efficiencies and formulating recommendations to save energy, improve worker safety, and improve product quality.
If you or a client of yours is facing challenges with these types of facilities, contact us today to find out how we can help find a solution.