Civil Engineering
McGuire Igleski & Associates
20 Acres
RTM provided civil engineering services for the recreation of the 20-acre Historic Nauvoo Temple District and Historic Homes. The project included the restoration of four historic home sites featuring settlements from the mid-19th century, as well as the reconstruction the historic layout of the long lost roadway and alley network. The plan’s first phase covers roughly 20-acres of the “Temple District” and calls for restoring three historic homes, re-creating another home and other landscape features, and adding a pavilion, housing original stones of the Nauvoo Temple. The overall grading plan for the field and prairie restoration areas were designed to mimic original photographs from the late 1800’s.
RTM’s scope included grading and redevelopment of approximately 20-acres, with over 80’ of vertical grade change on a 15% slope. The reconstructed roadways and alleys are composed of a custom gravel mixture to mimic the 1840’s construction methods. The slope was engineered to reduce the grade along the new roads and alleys to conform with current ADA accessibility standards and will be used as walking paths for both guided and non-guided tours. The Owner’s installed informational signage along the new routes, providing insight in the historical significance of the sites. The Temple District design also recreated the original street cross-sections from the original fencing to swales that were hand dug to drain the land that was originally a swamp. Sanitary sewers and water main systems were extended into the project area for the historic homes and were designed accommodate the extreme vertical grade change.
The City of Nauvoo is included in the National Historic Landmark Nauvoo Historic District. RTM’s civil team worked closely with the architect and owner to develop the plans and specifications that were successfully utilized to recreate the vision of the 1840’s, using modern infrastructure and design principles.