Rendering courtesy of Eppstein Uhen Architects
Fire Protection
Eppstein Uhen Architects
120,000 SF
RTM provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection design for this project consisting of a 65,600-square-foot, three-story Medical Office Building (MOB), a 14,200-square-foot Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) – located on the second floor of the three-story building, a single-story 5,200-square-foot Urgent Care, and a four-level parking structure.
Additional planned expansions to this facility, including a 15,000-square-foot Cancer Center, conversion and expansion of the Urgent Care to a 17,2000-square-foot Emergency Department, and a 7,100-square-foot, second floor addition to the Ambulatory Surgical Center were taken into consideration throughout the design and construction phases of the project.
The mixed-occupancy of this facility presented a challenge for RTM when developing an electrical engineering strategy as the MOB and ASC are classified as B occupancies and the urgent care and future emergency department are classified as I-2 occupancies – each having different requirements for emergency power. Multiple systems needed to be designed in order for each facility type to meet its requirements.
Heating, cooling, and air conditioning for the facilities is provided by four Rooftop Air Handling Units with direct expansion coils for cooling, both supply and relief air with variable frequency drives and heating provided by hot water heating coils.
The water supply, including gas water heaters and a service from a municipal source, will be provided. Water heaters with a storage tank and a pair of circulating copper-fin heaters will include a mixing valve, expansion tank and house circulation pump. Additionally, a gravity drainage system was provided for both sanitary and storm drainage with a connection to a municipal sewer.
Fire protection design was provided for the clinic with an automatic wet fire sprinkler system and manual standpipe system, and for the parking structure with an automatic dry fire sprinkler and manual standpipe system.